Gefran 1350 is a PID temperature controller 1/4 DIN size. It has a large operator interface large LCD display with customization of colors assigned to PV, SV, and F display, of color of plastic faceplate, and of logo. Graphic display of power, output current or valve position. Scrolling alphameric display of 25 messages (32 letters each), completely configurable and savable, in three languages. Also, the Gefran 1350 temperature controller has scrolling messages for diagnostics, alarms, and process state.
The Gefran 1350 temperature controller is easy to configure. Guided configuration for manual-free programming, with a few essential parameters and on-line help messages. Ability to clone configuration among controllers, even with power off and in the field, thanks to a mini portable configurator with Zapper battery. Extended configuration, creation of work recipes, and firmware updates via PC and GF_eXpress software, even without powering the controllers. Thanks to the Smart Configurator function, you obtain the required parameter recipe by answering a few simple questions. Local configuration and operation with only four keys assigned to LEDs that serve as feedback for the pressed key and as guide to specify appropriate steps. The initial parameters can always be reset.
Gefran 1350 PID Temperature Controller Functions
General characteristics of the Gefran 1350 PID temperature controller is completely software configurable without accessing the internal electronics. The universal main input accepts thermocouple sensors, resistance thermometers, and linears. The Gefran 1350 controller can be replaced at any time simply by removing the faceplate, without any additional procedures.
The Gefran 1350 PID temperature controller has tuning, timer, set programmer, valve positioner and more functions – see technical documentation for further information.
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Gefran 1350 Controller with 100…240 VAC power supply
1350-C-RR0-00000-1-G 3 outputs
1350-C-RRR-11050-1-LFG 4 outputs
1350V-R-RRR-00000-1-G 4 outputs
Gefran F060800 Controller Programming Cable