Maxon Kinemax Medium Velocity Industrial Burners
Honeywell Maxon medium velocity industrial burner provide a higher velocity discharge that promotes stirring within your furnace to improving both temperature uniformity and workload penetration. In addition, when used in conjunction with MAXON’s MICRORATIO® Control Valves, a Kinemax Natural Gas Burner may adjust to fire on-ratio throughout the firing range or set to give a choice between on-ratio and excess air or excess fuel firing. In conclusion, as high as 4700% excess air is possible at minimum capacity.
The Kinemax burner is a nozzle-mixing, medium velocity burner. It provides a stream of hot combustion gases that promote circulation within your furnace. Maxon Kinemax burner improves both temperature uniformity and workload penetration. The air/fuel mixing design allows for the burner to operate on ratio throughout the firing range, with excess air up to 4700% for some sizes or with excess fuel.
High Temperature Applications
In high temperature furnaces Kinemax burners can be in use. These burner are excellent wherever good temperature uniformity without flame impingement is required. Typical applications are oxidizers, forge furnaces and annealing furnaces. In addition, applications include melting furnaces, lehrs, kilns, and ceramic furnaces. Honeywell Maxon Kinemax burners can be in certain air heating applications. In summary, these burners have special considerations to protect the flame from high cross velocities.
Ask us for engineering or product support to configure your burner.
Maxon Kinemax Burners
0150KM Maximum Capacity, 161 kW
0200CKM *
0200KM Maximum Capacity, 294 kW
0300KM Maximum Capacity, 704 kW
0400KM Maximum Capacity, 1174 kW
0600CKM *
0600KM Maximum Capacity, 2348 kW
* Complete Series C Gas/Oil burner assemblies are no longer available. Spare parts to support these burners are available (view Spare Parts Tab for link).
Additional Features:
- Turndown capability up to 48:1
- Maximum application flexibility with 7 different sizes and maximum capacities ranging from 0.38 MBtu/h up to 8.4 MBtu/h
- Lower fuel consumption using preheated combustion air (up to 800 °F)
- Refractory block for chamber temperatures up to 3000 °F
- Removable backplate, providing access for easy inspection and/or maintenance
- KINEMAX® burners can be used with oxygen enriched combustion air